Rob Minton’s Fitness Plan
Following on from the unprecedented almost 3 pages of coverage given to our club in last week’s Stratford Herald, the paper contacted us to ask if we could supply an easy fitness plan for their readers to follow.
Rob Minton supplied this to them and as a result they have printed a full length column in this week’s edition.
More local positive publicity for our club.
Printed below is the plan.
I’ve based it on the fact that most reader might have a two meter square space in one of the rooms of their house.
No equipment is needed. Just comfortable loose clothing, trainers are optional. Only compete as much of the workout as you can. Have a glass or bottle of water nearby to sip throughout.
Warm Up
Jogging on the spot for 1 minute followed by sprinting on the spot for 10 seconds with knees nice and high. Repeat every 30 seconds 5 times
Pulse Raisers
30 jumping jacks (jump and take feet out to the side and lift arms up away from sides and then back again)
1 minute rest
30 Spotty dogs (jump and take one foot forwards and one foot back, one arm swinging back, one arm swinging forwards opposite to legs)
1 minute rest
10 lunge jumps (jump and take one leg as far forward as you can while keeping your balance, the other leg comes back behind you, then swap legs)
1 minute rest
10 standing jumps (simply jump up as high as you can using your arms to swing you up – watch your head if you have low ceilings or light fittings)
1 minute rest
Leg Strengthening
25 Squats – (feet shoulder width apart with feet and knees facing forwards, lower your hips and bum back behind you while hovering over the sofa but don’t sit down, lift back up to standing)
2 minutes rest
10 lunges (feet as per squats, take a big step forwards, bend your knee towards the floor, lift your torso back up so your legs are nearly straight, then lower down again but don’t touch your knee on the floor, once up to 10 are done swap your legs the other way around)
15 Calf Lifts (stand with both feet hip width apart, gently lift onto tip toes and then lower back down. If this is fairly easy for you do on one leg only by hold onto the wall for balance)
Up Body Strengthening
25 Press Ups (on your front have your hands just wider than your shoulders. To begin with keep your knees on the floor. Keep your torso flat and push your upper body off the floor by straightening your arms. Complete up to 25 times or to the point where you can’t do another one. If you can do 25 then progress to taking one or both knees off the ground when you lift up)
Core Strength / Abdominals
Sit-ups – (lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Hands across your chest or to make it a bit harder hands to your temples. Pull in your tummy muscles and lift your head and upper back off the floor but not your lower back. Lower back down. Do as many as you can until your can’t do any more. Increase the number each day if you can.)
Plank (lie on your front with your elbows underneath your shoulders and your forearms on the floor in front of you. Lift your torso up onto your knees so your knees and elbows are propping you up. Keep your back straight. Hold for as long as you can, ideally timing yourself. If you can do more than one minute, progress to holding yourself up on your feet and elbows so your knees are off the ground. Try and beat your time each time)
Sit on the floor with your legs out in front, keep your legs straight. Try and gently reach forwards down your legs. If you can reach your feet then great but don’t strain. Stop if there is lots up pain but it should feel a little uncomfortable.
Lie on the floor with your arms outstretched on the floor above your head. Try and reach as far as you can and hold for 20 – 30 seconds.