Thoughts on the Stratford Half Marathon
Matt Burdus-Cook
It was really motivating to be running with such large SAC contingent and I had also forgotten the sheer volume of support that you get along the route when you are in the “home vest” at the Shakespeare Half Marathon.
Once I had got over my initial nervousness around the starting section of the route being different to previous years I settled into a comfortable pace knowing that there would be headwind and work to do from mile 9 onwards. This was indeed the case and the final third of the race, particularly the Greenway was tough, so I was pleased when I found myself with enough energy to speed up and gain a couple of places over the final mile.
Anyone battling down the Greenway on Sunday thoroughly deserved the medal (even if it does look like Shakespeare is naked), and I simply don’t know how the full distance runners do it! A very inspiring day.
Alex Pester
I was looking forward to my first half marathon race. At the start I settled into a comfortable pace, which I maintained, starting to work my way up the field from the hill out of Welford and down the Greenway. The last couple of kilometres were tough as the wind picked up and I was on my own. I am delighted with my time and placing.
Tim Hutchinson
Not far from the plan
Great running with Ade
Worked well having good company
Wind was pretty unpleasant but could have been worse
Chuffed with a age cat win
Super proud to be running the same race as Fin for his first half marathon. He absolutely smashed it .
Fin Hutchinson
This was my first half marathon so a completely new experience. I felt positive going into the race having worked hard and consistently with my training and staying injury free. I had lots of advice about sticking to my planned pace to reach my target time of 1.35 so knew what I had to do.
The atmosphere around the course was brilliant with lots of familiar faces cheering me on. The wind down the Greenway was not pleasant but came as no surprise.
I was very happy to come in under my target time at 1.32.51. My legs were feeling it on the walk home and I’d still got a 3.5 hour car journey back to university !!
A huge thank you to my dad for all his help and advice and encouragement over the past months.
Hannah Osborne
Having not raced a road half marathon since 2014 and struggling badly with nerves for big events I was apprehensive ahead of Sundays run.
Seeing so many club friends in the town running and supporting was a great distraction and they offered the best support and encouragement on the course. I got round the last 3 miles with the wind and Greenway hurting but awesome to finish with so many cheers from my daughter and club friends.
Pete Sugden
I set out with aim of finishing under 1 hour 35 mins, having finished just outside this time in 2019.
I ditched my controlled 7:12 min/mile plan while making the modified tour of Stratford centre and cheered on by the amazing support. Instead I adopted the too often used and rarely successful tactic of setting out too fast then hanging on for the latter stages of the race.
Needless to say the two and bit miles of the Greenway into the teeth of the stiff NE breeze, with tired legs and a threatening stich were an ordeal. For once, however, a good pace for the first 7-8 miles paid off and I finished in 1:32:09, beating my previous best time for the course and my Half Marathon PB by 3 minutes.
I’m chuffed to bits with the time. I think for my next race, though, I might stick to the plan.