Fladbury Festive 5
Report – Sarah Odell
The Fladbury Festive 5 is a lovely local race which always sells out quickly each year.
I don’t know why is called the Festive 5 though as it’s always in January and nearer 6 miles than 5.
It is organised by The Friends of Fladbury community group. It is advertised as 5.5miles and the route takes you from Salters Lane greenhouses along the banks of the river Avon, Lower Moor and Fladbury village and back to the greenhouses.
The great thing about this race is that it changes every year depending on the levels of rain and weather conditions.
Within 50 meters of the start we encountered a massive puddle covering the whole path, either you run through it or jump up onto the verge and get brambled. It’s then onto the road for a short section before you head into the woods onto the side of the Avon. With lots of mud it is a perfect ankle tester. At about 2 miles through a kissing gate with a lovely muddy puddle to splash in, around 3.5 miles you cross a road down the side of the allotments, briefly onto a concrete section then more allotments before turning onto the canal at 5 miles to head for home, back through the puddle.
A strong group of Stratford ladies plus one ex-member decided to enter. A perfect start to the new year. Kate Sergent had entered Rosie then she remembered how muddy it gets and decided, as it was Rosie’s first off road adventure, that they would run together.
Rosie being the amazing runner she has developed into, it didn’t faze her at all and loved the experience and wants more.
Susan Hunt decided to go mud diving about 400 meters from the finish after turning her ankle on the last section, making sure she stopped her Garmin while she was rolling around in the mud. She did say the mud very warm, I’m not sure I believe her!!
It was a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning having a good laugh, a little run, then amazing cake & coffee what more could you want ?