Midland Winter Racewalking League
Report – Gemma Smith
Sunday was the third and final race of the Midland winter race walking league series at the University of Warwick, Coventry. The course, a 1km lap, was set out in a quiet corner of the University grounds, in close quarters to the Godiva Harriers home turf.
The route was mainly flat, starting on a slight decline, making for a fast race from the get-go.
It was a cold and wintry start to the event, later the chill was softened by the sun streaming onto the racewalking concourse, made good conditions for the race walkers.
Two Stratford racewalkers took part. I set out first in the 5Km race, finishing in a time of 36.35, almost three minutes quicker than the same event a year ago and winning the series 5km handicap competition.
Paul Hawkins competed shortly after in the 10 km race, finishing in 74.04, a strong performance and consistent with his two previous 10km events.
Paul’s next race, in February, is at Lee Valley Stadium where he has been selected for the Inter area match for the Midland Masters team to compete against other regions and home countries, an indoor 2000m race.
The race winners were Jacqueline Benson 29.25 (5km) and Mark Williams 59.12 (10km)