Junior Track and Field – Heart of England

The Heart of England League is known as the “friendly league” and was formed in 1978 to give Midland based clubs local competition to a broader range of athletes including non-scoring Under 11s.
The original 5 clubs that formed the league were: Banbury, Leamington, Rugby, Daventry and Nuneaton.
Today there are 28 clubs competing in 3 matches across 4 divisions with promotion and relegation at the end of the season.
There isn’t an elected Management Committee. The league has always been run in a more relaxed, ad hoc, consensus way by the competing clubs.
Martin Smith (Droitwich AC) is the Treasurer and Paul Bearman (Stratford upon Avon AC) is the Leagues Co-ordinator and has been co-opted to chair the AGM in recent years.
Decisions to change rules or the timetable etc. are suggested by the clubs and any changes are made after consultation and approval (or not) by a majority decision of the clubs.
Click here to go to the Heart of England League website